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    Infinite Crisis builds for Mecha Superman

    Drill that will Pierce the Heavens! (Support/Jungle)

    A Mecha Superman guide by Aradon
    Last updated: Feb 10th, 2015
    Link to guide: www.dawnbase.com/guides/the-big-guy
    2,903 1


    Ability levelling order
    01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
    Starter items
    Core items
    Offensive item options
    Defensive item options
    Situational item options
    Stolen Powers
    Greetings Protectors!

    It is Aradon again with a another guide for another Champion that needs love. is an unique Enforcer, his is about creating and destroying terrain for effects. He does well in both in the jungle and as a support.

    is an Enforcer with kit of  a silience, stun, knock up, creating terrain, and giving an aura for defense for your allies.   is a fun tank to mess around with and has huge damage.


  • This skill is a aoe skill shot that deals damage in area. It briefly stuns your opponents and if any small terrain was caught in it. It will also silience your enemies. This is great for follow up on a W to deal tons of damage for poking them in lane.
  • Max First

  • This deal damage in aoe and will leave terrrain after the case you can use that terrain for another knock up or silience with your Q. This ability when fully leveled will have the shortest cooldown of 6 seconds.
  • Max Second

  • This is your ulitity spell. As it will creates a terrian to block your enemies. It is great for disengages and engages. Downside it has a horride cooldown. At each end of the terrain it has small objests you can interact with for damage, knock ups and siliences.
  • Max Last

  • WTF this ulti has soo much damage, so much....I believe over time this Ultimates deals the most damage over all champions!  Also as a plus your passive activates and your Basic Attacks create terrain. SO Autoattack then follow with W or Q to knock them or silience your enemies..
  • Level up 6/10/14/18

  • This is a great passive which just allows you buff your teammates this plus . Olympus Gambit (4) if your team a lot of defensive stats.
  • Max third

    Augements and Mods:

    Like I always say in my guides. Augements and Mods are a personal choice but I always stress Augements are to give you an edge in early game as you can start to snowball into late game. 

    Stolen Powers:

    [[Atrocitus' Meteor Drop]] - Gives you a Slow and gives you terrain to work with. 
    [[Arcane Green Lantern's Healing Wave]] - Gives you a heal and defensive stats.

    Other good Choices:
    [[Joker's Detonate]] - Gives you a slow for part of your kit and deals a lot of damage
    [[Cyborg's Teleport]] - Allows you to get into fights faster
    [[Atomic Joker's Detonate]] - Allows you detonate more
    [[Doomsday's Invulnerability]] - More tankiness

    Jungle Routes:

    I will refer you to my Hawkgirl Jungle guide: https://www.dawnbase.com/guides/nth-jungle

    Nothing about the routes have changed expect you might not want to do as much counter jungling..

    When Ganking you, our either start with E or Q to block or damage your enemy. If you can try to [[Atrocitus' Meteor Drop]], so you have some terrain to work with. You want to keep your W to knock up so you and your allies have time to damage them. Also when enemy is going arund the terrain you have small objects for knock ups and siliences.


    Starting Choices:
  • Olympus Gambit (2)
  • Nil Cloak Modular Health Vial (2)  Modular Will Vial (1)
  • Marauder Shield (2)
  • Marauder Ring (1)  Marauder Shield (1)  Modular Health Vial (3)

    As a support I highly suggest taking  Olympus Gambit (2) first because it will give you a credit advantage over your enemies. (Plus more money to buy things) Your starting choice is your personal preference

    Core Build:
    Olympus Gambit (4) - This add with your Passive giving total 40 Attack and Power Damage and 15 health per 10s
    Atlantean Royal Seal (4)-Adds slows to your kit. Your Ultimate now is an AOE plus everything else you put into it
    Cosmic Staff (3) - This adds a lot of damage with your skills and so over powered with your ultimate.

    Items Consider:
    Suit Of Sorrows (4) [[Mirror Master's Prism (4)]]-It keeps you as a damage tank. One that can deal and be dealt damage
    Ruby Of Life (4) - Adds a lot of health and Helps your Health Scaling
    Fragment Of Mogo (3) - Decent activate. Combines well with your Ultimate and scales off your health.

    Build Order:

    As support you want  Olympus Gambit (2) first then build into  Atlantean Royal Seal (4) then into  Cosmic Staff (3) or cap Olympus Gambit (4).  Then build how you want.

    As a jungler either go for  Marauder Shield (4) or  Marauder Ring (4) then into  Atlantean Royal Seal (4)
    then go into  Olympus Gambit (4) and  Cosmic Staff (3) then build how you want

    is a powerful Enforcer with the largest Damage potential than anyother Enforcer. I will continue to edit and update this guide. Feel free to comment if you have any suggestions to this guide.

    Check out my other Guides:
    Hawkgirl: https://www.dawnbase.com/guides/nth-jungle
    Blue Beetle: https://www.dawnbase.com/guides/will-of-the-scarab-
    Nightmare Superman: https://www.dawnbase.com/guides/phantom-zone-unleashedsupport
    Swamp Thing:https://www.dawnbase.com/guides/the-green-giant

  • Latest comments
    Your guides are always awesome! Nice work :D
    9:23 pm, Feb 9th, 2015